Shop Concept /
Business Model Analysis
A strong shop concept that will be attractive to the customer needs to be consistent with the company's whole business and brand. To ensure we meet these needs, we first analyze a company by conducting a Business Model Analysis, looking at its key customers and its brand, before we go on to create a shop.
A critical element of the shop concept is the way the commercial space is created. A Shop Window Design is nothing less than a magnet that will subconsciously attract the attention of your customers.
and analysis
It is possible to make considerable savings in the investment phase by first carrying out a thorough analysis of the state of the technical infrastructure in the existing premises with regard to the new investment to be completed.
Design of multi-sector
Complete set of documents for design of the shop — as required and necessary to build the shop. Includes designs for: architecture & construction, electrics, plumbing and obtaining expert approvals.
designs for a specific sector
Depending on the needs of the investor resulting from the existing state of the premises and any missing documentation, we can create designs for specific elements and complete the documentation as necessary.
of shopping mall guidelines
Familiarizing oneself with the tenant instructions and finding out what requirements have to be met are all part of preparing for an investment properly, to ensure as much time and money can be saved during the execution phase as possible.
Design and production of
We design, manufacture and assemble all types of furnishings adapted to the needs of the sector and functional requirements, in accordance with the shop concept design, and the needs of the retail chain and investor.
of your investments from A to Z
We plan, draw up budgets, buy materials, and coordinate the works to be carried out by individual teams, in accordance with the defined schedule and scope of works: right through from the shop concept to the moment you have the key in your hand.
with investors
Before signing off any agreement, the Investor should first engage in consultations to establish what conditions are to be agreed to between the Landlord and the Tenant, what it will receive in return, what it will have to pay for and what it can make savings on before the contract is signed.